Old Ball Game

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Signing up for Spring Baseball $50
Purchasing the Uniform & Glove $70
Attending all of the practices--Gas & lots of commitment

Here are the photos of the two boys who couldn't be there after I confirmed the date with our other coach--I won't mention his name, but his initials is Shane Hall. :) Good job also to Caleb & Tyler!

Spring 2009 Cubs 11-12 year old Party--TOURNAMENT CHAMPS!!

Here is Mark getting a Thank You card and also a gift card that the awesome parents of the team gave him for his coaching work.

Also, here is Jacob's trophy which represents the home run he hit in the championship game. Also, Seth hit a home run which he smiled about for the rest of the day. For a very young team... the coaches & parents couldn't be more proud!

photos from the end of year party for our Cub's!!! GO CUBS GO--GOTTA LOVE THEM!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

11-12 Year Old Cubs Misc 2009 Pictures

Seth & Caleb;
Tyler, Rob Caleb, Alex, Greyson & Mark;
Team Pictures: Fearless Leaders-Candi, Mark & Shane,
Back Row: Jacob, Seth, Mark, Rob- Front Row-Alex, Logan, Greyson, Tyler & Caleb

Crazy boys--Tyler, Greyson, Seth, Caleb, Rob, Alex & Mark;
Greyson--with a big smile--think they dropped them before this photo!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

7/19/09 Showtime

A few more pictures of one of my favorite teams!

Ethan-what a catcher, Jalen and Avery-cool cousins!, Cooper, Luke, Kyle & Sabin--looking a little tired from the heat of the weekend!!!

More 07/18/09 pix from the State Tournament

Lee (with those ocean blue eyes)--after he just hit a home run!; Kyle-leaving 2nd base; Cooper & Luke in the dug out; Blake-trying to use the bat weight as a listening device--I wish I could have got his embarrassed smile when he saw me taking the picture; Ethan with his cousin who helped us in the dugout! WHAT TIME IS IT??? SHOWTIME!!!

More Pix - 7/19 State Tournament

Here are a few from Saturday where we won both of the games we played.

Showtime-Misc Pictures from 7/17 State Tournament


07/18/09 TN State Championship Opening Ceremonies

Thanks to a few creative Mom's (not me, I had to work...), our team Showtime, won the Spirit award during the opening ceremonies. Every team had a theme song, dress, etc. Our boys dressed with sunglasses, big (fake...) gold chains, a cardboard jambox. Mark said "What time is it?" and they yelled "Showtime" and then the opening song for the Chicago Bulls was played for their walk on the field. It was great and I appreciate the Mom's who helped!

Seth's birthday 06/27/09

Photo's from Seth's 12th birthday--4 hours of non-stop action...OUTSIDE!!! We had to wait until July to even be able to have it due to traveling the state every weekend!