Old Ball Game

Friday, August 21, 2009

Your cup or your cup???

It wasn't today, but very recently, my youngest son Kyle calls me in a panic from the baseball field. (Thankfully, we live within a 1/2 mile of our home away from home.)

He says--"Mom, please bring me my new cup--I have to have it now so I can play." I am thinking that he probably doesn't have his gatorade & has to have some liquids for the coaches to let him play. I look around and can't find it--calling back, he says "it's the one with the red stripe on the top of it." Finally, I am quite frustrated...what does it matter which cup you have?...

His answer--"no, not that kind of cup. I need the cup for my penis..." I can't pitch without it--the coach said." Well, HOW'S A GIRL TO KNOW???
I did manage to find it on time for the superstar to be able to pitch in his game. Gotta love those boys!

We need a new website WHOGIVESACRAP.COM

With all of the real problems we have in our nation and world, I am totally over whether Brad Pitt is F'ing Jennifer or Angelina. He can't be THAT good!

I also don't care "who wore it better" when comparing some crazy $500 outfit that two overpaid, underweight actresses happen to have chosen to wear out for people to see.

Just a few random thoughts from an underpaid, overweight non-actress who buys the same off the rack clothes that many other people in the same city that I live in also purchase. Thankfully, there is no paparazzi to critique me!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

19 Years...

19 Years ago today after dating for 7+ years, two people got married and probably have lasted longer than most in the audience would have bet on! There have been many times that have been great fun, many times that tested their patience, three boys that can drive them nuts, but it has all made for more memories that either can remember! It is strange when the realization hits that you have been with someone for more years of your life, than you have been without them!

I'll have to find and post some of our older pictures with all of the big hair and a lesser amount of wrinkles!
(The picture above is at a Cubs/Braves game this past fall. The Cubs WON!)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Evan- -with his 2 best friends-a Gibson & a Fender

After Evan got his braces off, we got one free 8*10 from Loveless Photography. Of course, they know that parents can resist good photos-especially when I get very few of Evan. The others have countless baseball pictures, but his can be few and far between!
This is the guitar that he got with last year's birthday money. It took us months, literally, to get it. This particular Fender was on backorder forever (or so it seemed to Evan)!

Here is his Gibson--technically, it is Mark's, but he never really played it, so Evan has acquired it and it hangs in his room. He wanted to wear his "Slash" t-shirt for part of his photos.

This is his "concert silouette" pose! I never would have purchased it, but he really liked it and spent his money on it!

Here is my favorite one. The kid is actually smiling... That is definitely a rare event! I told him he had to, since I considered it the million dollar mouth after the braces event!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kyle-my photos--in approximately 2006

I would like to introduce you to the most devoted baseball player since Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron! He's not that successful, but he sure loves that ballgame! It breaks my heart with he loses because it breaks his heart. I took these photos at the waterfall at Campus School one Saturday when we were in the building for some reason.