Old Ball Game

Friday, August 21, 2009

Your cup or your cup???

It wasn't today, but very recently, my youngest son Kyle calls me in a panic from the baseball field. (Thankfully, we live within a 1/2 mile of our home away from home.)

He says--"Mom, please bring me my new cup--I have to have it now so I can play." I am thinking that he probably doesn't have his gatorade & has to have some liquids for the coaches to let him play. I look around and can't find it--calling back, he says "it's the one with the red stripe on the top of it." Finally, I am quite frustrated...what does it matter which cup you have?...

His answer--"no, not that kind of cup. I need the cup for my penis..." I can't pitch without it--the coach said." Well, HOW'S A GIRL TO KNOW???
I did manage to find it on time for the superstar to be able to pitch in his game. Gotta love those boys!

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