Old Ball Game

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day 2013 and appreciation

I've been reading a book that was based upon a woman who decided to write a blog to vent her frustrations but it turned into a way of connecting with the outside world including people that didn't know her.  I don't know that I've got that big of an ambition, but I am going to try and make a bigger attempt to write on my blog MUCH more often!  I enjoy doing it, but just don't sit around and make the time!  It's kind of like exercising, except that I don't like exercising and I also don't sit around and make that time either... 

Life is short and it makes me want to leave something for anyone who comes after me.  I am including a photo from Mother's Day as that is another reminder of how important the people who created all of us are.  Both Mark's Mom and my Mom are great!  We are fortunate... :) 

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