Old Ball Game

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Farmtown--much easier, but no real food there...

Since I have been on farm town (my very pretty, but very fake farm on Facebook)... I decided to work on (& eat) some of those real vegetables I've also been farming this summer...
How do you do this, you ask???

SO... Here is what you need--some clean Mason Jars and lids...

AND...the most important part...

lots of TOMATOES...

Good looking tomatoes !!

(Aren't they pretty ??)

That pioneer woman website has nothing on me... (see www.thepioneerwoman.com )

Then comes all of the fun!

First, you boil the tomatoes so that it is easier to peel off the skins. You then peel them while yelping a little as they are still hot and it is no fun to actually hold and peel them at this point! Mark and I thank my Mom for that very valuable bit of information which has saved many hours of work!
Then you let them get really hot (the tomatoes, I mean) & them put them in the jars.
You need some seasonings which mainly include SALT, yes good old fashioned, raise your blood pressure... SALT!

Then, have your very helpful husband to put the peeled hot tomatoes into the jars, and put lids on them. Then , put them in a pot especially made for the process, cover and heat to high to seal the jars. (He kind of does a lot of this part of the process!)
Also, very important is to grab any available kids who wander through the kitchen at this point and have them help with the process. (PS-never mind that my child has enough food on his face to scrape off and use for a snack later.)

Put up for a few weeks and you will be quite excited to have these when it is winter and the other alternative is those crappy greenhouse tomatoes at the grocery store... at the rock bottom price of $3 per pound!
It is very important to note at this point that we get a LOT more than just one quart of tomatoes... I'd rather work at Farmtown than do all of that work for one quart!

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