I have been wanting to change out my light fixtures and cabinet pulls ever since we got the new colors in our kitchen. Evan & I decided to go ahead and turn off the electrical current and do it ourselves. Evan is really gifted at any home projects, so I thought he was great in this project.
Evan helped by taking down the old brass fixture and I put up the bar for the new one. I'm feeling good about right at that moment since I've turned off the correct circuit breaker so we haven't gotten knocked off the table by an electrical current.
After this point, I wired the black, white & copper/ground wire in. I then needed Evan to hold the new fixture while I put in the new screws.
This is the "before picture" of our table...
And THIS is the "after picture"...
The moral of the story is... DON'T STAND ON A TABLE TO CHANGE LIGHT FIXTURES--& ESPECIALLY DON'T ADD YOUR ALMOST 6 ft tall son up there with you to finish the job.
Here is the end result...
So this is the story of how my great intentions did not result in success... believe me, this color coordinated bruised arm was NOT worth the funny story above.
If you can laugh at it, you can live with it... sometimes, it takes a few days to get to the part where you realize that you can laugh at it... --with the help of Loritab anyway... It really could be worse, though--no broken bones--just some sore joints and wounded pride... :)
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