Old Ball Game

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Mark!

Happy Birthday Mark--Here is your very personal Alabama cake--made especially by a UT fan! Please see Ms. Kellee King for other kinds & flavors!

She did do a good job, especially considering that she is a UT fan!

The boys are all here! Evan-8th grade, Seth-6th grade, Kyle-3rd grade and Mark.
Kyle did a great job of making personalized wrapping paper for Mark's Bear Bryant (semi) hounds-tooth boxers. It said "Roll Tied" and "from Bear Brint". Sounds like a U of A graduate to me! LOL! It was really sweet & I think Mark likes the wrapping paper as well as the boxers!

The woman responsible for the great meal--fried oysters--yum!!! Please note her very appropriate T-shirt!

Starting the line for all of the good food!

Good times, great food!!!

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