Old Ball Game

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Defensive Driving with Candi -- Episode #1

Driving in Beaufort at Night-Episode #1--   Last Saturday night I went to the grocery store to get the essentials of life...diet coke and ice cream and toilet paper. On the way back home I am on a 30 mph road. I had just checked to ensure I was not going over the speed limit. I am getting good at this now after being pulling over multiple times in this small town and so far being let off with warnings! I continue on Mossy Oaks Drive and I saw something run in front of me. THEN it was closely followed by a man running to chase it down. I literally locked down my brakes and missed him by inches. Groceries went everywhere and there are probably still some under my seats.  

Had I have not been looking straight ahead, his Christmas would have been cancelled. He was running after his dog that had gotten out. I'm still not sure he realized how close he came to being run over. I looked over to see him grabbing a hold of a dog collar on a larger dog who had evidently gotten out and was running across the road. I was shaking for hours after that.  

So, to the man who ran across the road without stopping and looking both ways... didn't your mom teach you any better!  

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