Old Ball Game

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Defensive Driving with Candi - Episode #2

Driving in Beaufort at Night-Episode #2-The weekend after Episode #1, on a Saturday night about 1AM I realize that I only have one diet coke left. Yes, I have a problem with diet cokes!  

I decide I'm going to go to the convenience market that is open 24 hours a day so I don't have to get up early and go. Notice I say "have to go".  I drive down Mossy Oaks (without event from the dog chaser) and get to the store where it is clearly open but the doors are locked. I wait a few minutes and then decide to leave and go down Ribaut Road to see if another one is open. 

I'm driving down the road and something HUGE and evidently sharp was in the middle of the road which my drivers side front tire hit and immediately flattened. The road was not well lit as everything closes at 9PM in this town... So, I limp my car over to the Hardees above on the right. 

It is now 1AM and I'm a mile from my house and no way to get there. I dial the non emergency police dispatch line and get the "our hours are 8-5 on M-F" twice. I call 911 and GET THE SAME MESSAGE! I called back repeatedly until a lady answered. I explained my situation and she sent an officer who came and got me and took me home. 

So, I'm sitting here with no diet coke and no car! There is a guy coming soon to get me to put on my spare tire and then I will get a diet coke... expensive diet coke! I still wonder what was in the middle of the road. I was on the right side of a 2 lane road so it had to be in the middle of the road. I told the cop about it so I hope they looked for it in order to avoid another incident like mine!

UPDATE:  The auto repair guy is putting the spare on my front tire and look at what I'm getting!  The most expensive diet coke ever....

Defensive Driving with Candi -- Episode #1

Driving in Beaufort at Night-Episode #1--   Last Saturday night I went to the grocery store to get the essentials of life...diet coke and ice cream and toilet paper. On the way back home I am on a 30 mph road. I had just checked to ensure I was not going over the speed limit. I am getting good at this now after being pulling over multiple times in this small town and so far being let off with warnings! I continue on Mossy Oaks Drive and I saw something run in front of me. THEN it was closely followed by a man running to chase it down. I literally locked down my brakes and missed him by inches. Groceries went everywhere and there are probably still some under my seats.  

Had I have not been looking straight ahead, his Christmas would have been cancelled. He was running after his dog that had gotten out. I'm still not sure he realized how close he came to being run over. I looked over to see him grabbing a hold of a dog collar on a larger dog who had evidently gotten out and was running across the road. I was shaking for hours after that.  

So, to the man who ran across the road without stopping and looking both ways... didn't your mom teach you any better!  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Easy peasy pasta!

I hate to cook! But after 6 months of eating sandwiches, I decided to try some easy dishes. I made the awesome pasta dishes with linguini and two cans of clam based sauces that i got at the grocery store.  Then, because I had accidentally bought spinach instead of salad at the store,  i added it to the sauce.  It's awesome.  I'm putting them in zip lock bags for easy storage!

Life is better with Savannah cats!

Like kids, all cats are different!  Aja (my marbled Savannah) is the smallest of the three, but she is by far the loudest and the one who is not large, but in charge! She is always ready for me to come home from work. The other two are usually hiding out in whichever room that she has scared them off into!

Navajo is going to be the largest, but at 7 months, he is the most timid.  It's taken a lot of work to get him to not hide under the bed.  He still runs a lot when I come to pet him and is worried about being held.  He's OK when I get him sat down beside me (like in the bed), but Aja doesn't like that at all!

Cherokee is my LOVE bug!  He is happy being in my lap and is a terrible influence on leaving the recliner to do any type of work!  He is the largest right at this moment, but Navajo is quickly catching up.  I love this boy :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

More mouths to feed-but aren't they cute?!!

I love Aja, my Savannah cat so much that I'm getting not one, but TWO more!!  Here are the 2 babies that I'm getting...  The first one was born on 6/1/2015 and this is him at 5 weeks old. I call him "Thing 1" right now, but I think I'm going to call him Cheyenne.

 This is "Thing 2" and he will probably be named Cree.  I gotta decide! He is 4 weeks old!  He will be more of a golden color!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

I'm baaaaack....!

I'm going to try and take a few minutes each day and post my "stuff" on my blog instead of constantly putting stuff on facebook.  I enjoyed this way to posting long ago but I just kind of got out of the habit!  Prepare to see lots about my CAT, Aja the Savannah :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

After Seth's 8th grade dance last minute drama...  I learned a lot!  Evan invited a really cute girl named Brooklyn to his Jr/Sr prom.  He actually made a t-shirt with check yes or no about the event and went to her house to ask!  I knew immediately that I needed to have a pic of her dress (beautiful...by the way), and go ahead and order a wrist corsage!  Also, it helped with the tuxedo process.  Of course Evan is like me and waited until the last minute... (he said he puts the "pro" in procrastinate so we had to order his tux with a $20 rush charge...  $220 for a tux including shoes---24 hours--what!!!

Here are their great pix!!

Why oh why do I not post everyday?  There are many things that I could post that I think are funny or interesting in our crazy Wilson boys' lives.  Anyway, tonight the thing that reminded me of it is when my dear darling Seth would NOT take 30 second to take a pic with his girlfriend before they walked out to get some food... and then asked me for some $$ for it... NOT...  I hope she knows what she has with that boy...Signed Frustrated Mom  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day 2013 and appreciation

I've been reading a book that was based upon a woman who decided to write a blog to vent her frustrations but it turned into a way of connecting with the outside world including people that didn't know her.  I don't know that I've got that big of an ambition, but I am going to try and make a bigger attempt to write on my blog MUCH more often!  I enjoy doing it, but just don't sit around and make the time!  It's kind of like exercising, except that I don't like exercising and I also don't sit around and make that time either... 

Life is short and it makes me want to leave something for anyone who comes after me.  I am including a photo from Mother's Day as that is another reminder of how important the people who created all of us are.  Both Mark's Mom and my Mom are great!  We are fortunate... :) 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Seth-8th Grade Dance

Wow...did I learn a lot in the past 3 or 4 days!  #1--do NOT depend upon your MALE child to have his act together as far as coordinated clothing, corsages, etc...  #2--be prepared for a few TEARS for this first event... and be PROUD of how nice your son & his date looks!  Seth finally got to be the first to do something...  Evan didn't want to do the dance/prom thing in middle school.  Seth told me at first that he just needed "a pair of khakis, a button down shirt and some boat shoes/dockers".  He needed nothing for his date.  Then at 8:30 on the evening before his date, he says he needs to borrow one of his Dad's white shirts & a tie that matches the aqua color on the dress that his date has texted him...  So...  RED LIGHTS...SIRENS... OFF WE GO !!  and we get him a beautiful tie, shirt, etc to match her dress and jewelry.  By the way, her aqua eyes match her aqua sequins on her dress.

Also, about 1PM on the day of... he and his BFF  Austin Bryant decide that they DO need wrist corsages for their dates...  SO what do I do!  I get them at the last second from Kroger and love how sweet they all look!!!

Seth's date Abby Faulk and her BFF Lauren Bolin.  I told ya Abby's eyes are beautiful!

Austin Bryant and his date Katie Wilson--the other girl who got the last minute wrist corsage thanks to me!!!

Seth Black (the one in black, coincidentally) got this hummer as a gift for his good grades and shared it with the rest of the crowd!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Real Ms. Cheap Speaks...

I found out today that a 10 pack of chicken McNuggetts cost $3.99 plus tax.  That is 40 cents per tiny square of processed "stuff" that contains chicken parts.  Next time I'm going to order their $1 chicken sandwiches and cut them in 1/4's which would be 25 cents and be bigger and... I would have buns left over with all of the "fixin's" to use for my burgers we can grill!  Or toss them, but still...  I would have had a drive thru order re-do but the girl doing our order was TERRIBLE.  The boys in the back were laughing & I was telling them not to so they didn't spit on our 40 cent mcnuggets along with the rest of the crap...  She even had to add Evan's orange juice as a separate order because she couldn't add it to our existing order.  By the time we got to the first window, she had to totally start over with me repeating it again...for at least the 4th time & even I had the giggles.  I wasn't excited when we got on the interstate and they forgot the orange juice...  Evan agreed with me that a gallon at Kroger would be just fine!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

God's Handiwork...

These are just a few of the moments and views that make a pictures worth a 1,000 words...and the real thing priceless...  

Baseball or the Beach???...Is that even a question?!!!!

Seth's team played one week in June in Panama City BEACH, FLORIDA...  It was a really tough decision, but the view above won above out over from the view below.... 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day and Oh Crap--how'd that dog get here???! 05-2011

 Joyce and Bill, Evan-age 16, Kyle-age 10, Seth-age 13, and Copper---well, he was born on 1/31/2010 so however old that makes him...yep another male lives at my house.

The two Mothers which make for the celebration today!

Kyle's Christmas gift-about 5 months late, but he is housebroken.  And so is the dog--ha!

Evan-I am so proud of him. 

Seth-lost about 20 pounds and grew about 4 inches all in about 3-4 months.  Women everywhere are asking for his diet plan...

Hail, Hail--the gang's all here--and even sat down for a picture!

The In-Law's--and we even all like each other!  (or at least I do...)

Mark gets very excited when he gets his favorite dessert...only available at Kroger and evidently it tastes best when I go and get it about midnight when we are out of it...  I am a good wife :)




Happy Mothers Day to all.  If it wasn't for a mother, you wouldn't be here reading this post...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Once again, we are truly blessed & more than a little bit spoiled... I just hope the boys always remember waking up on Christmas morning with a lot of packages... More than that, I hope they know what Christmas is really about--Jesus Christ and the gift he gave us that no one else could ever do the same for... Thank you God, for your Son and the ultimate gift.

We just want a few more home runs, Seth! Merry CHRISTmas

Aren't they cute?!
Here is Kyle...loving his computer! Just waiting to see how long it takes for him and his Dad to start fighting for it...

Here is Evan with his biggest gift--the new x-box limited edition!

And Seth who would only have one wish... a crazy priced phone...